The subtitles do it all. It isn`t correct in the slightest, but whoever did them is a comedy genuis. I think there are a few different versions of this but I haven`t watched them - nothing to tops this one. Where the footage is from beats me.
2. Richard Dawkins Hate Mail.
Richard reads out the emails that he recieves every year, very politely I may add, from people around the world who hate his very exsistence. It`s filmed at his home, by the fireside by a friend or family member - it looks all cosy, but the language is not.
3. Cats and the BP oil spill
Oh yes, it`s the internet ... cats are freaking everywhere, but one more won`t hurt. In less than one minute cats will re-enact the boardroom conversation at BP during the oil spill of yesteryear. Cute and funny. Non?
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