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Thursday, 8 September 2011

TEN Things I Bloody wish I knew at 19

  1.  The world is full of nutters. okay not FULL of nutters, but there are some out there.  Okay, let`s change that to `bastards` and I`m probably nearer the truth. having grown up on a quiet street in a quiet town I came across a few twats, but adulthood in a big city has proved to me that there are people who dont give a fuck who they fuck up and actually gain pleasure from it.
  2. Following what goes on in Westminster is a waste of time. Politicians say the same thing when out of power - and always do the same thing when they`re in power. Whatever they tell you to get your vote, once they`re in power they`ll focus purely on the `middle income, middle England` 
  3. VHS box sets -  should have spent my money on beer instead.
  4. The nickname I got at university would become the only name that everyone knows me as, even though I`ve moved away from where I studied and everyone I know now, didn`t know me back then. I`m bored shitless by my nickname - and it makes me sound like a girl.
  5. The internet is just around the corner. Wait. Don`t waste time buying jiffy envelopes, sending out lots of tapes, then never going out because you think you might miss a call from EMI. Wait a few years and you can publish yourself.
  6. Minidisc - what a pile of digital wankestry. Spent over 400 pounds on a sony minidisc multracker. Had no idea there was a bug in the software that could erase YEARS of work with no way of backing up. I don`t even want to think too much about the amount of time I`ve invested in recording a song, getting other people to play on it, mixing it down and then....DISC ERROR.... and it`s all fucking gone - not just that song, but EVERY FUCKING SONG ON THE DISC. then, when you put in another disc (these cost £15 a pop by the way) just to see if it was just that disc that had malfunctioned and not the actual workstation - turns out it erases that too. GRRR!
  7. Being in debt is a waste of time and money.
  8. Wolves would eventually  get into the premiership, but not for a long fucking time. Stop looking like a twat saying `next season will be the one` NO SON, There`s a fair few seasons to go. In fact when you do reach the premiership you`ll have gone off the sport and would prefer to watch rugby instead. That would truly shock the YOUNG me.
  9. You will NEVER leave Yorkshire. I only meant to live in Yorkshire for two years, then 2 in Edinburgh then travel the world. NO. You`ll move from SOUTH Yorkshire to WEST Yorkshire  and that is as far as you`ll have traveled in 16 years. You even speak like one now. Let`s face it lad. You`ll always be in love with this county.
  10. Young persons railcard are fucking mint! Go down to London! Go to Scotland....no, I went to Huddersfield.... Oh, wait, I did go to Cambridge a few times .... I  used it mostly when I couldn`t face going into college to say "No I`ve not brought in the essay that was due in last week" Jump on a train, cost yer nowt. Have a great day. When it expired - FUCK ME! Metaphorically speaking trains are just a big barrel with you strapped to it. If you can`t stand being on a coach, or you need to commute to work,  or you don`t drive, well, TOUGH SHIT. Pay up. In fact, I wish I had learned to drive all them years ago......regrets, regrets. . . .


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