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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Five Muso Slag Offs / Take off those headphones and stick on your boxing gloves.

1. Oasis on other bands:
Bloc Party "a band off University Challenge"
Coldplay 'music for bedwetters'),
Pete Doherty "if he wasn't shagging a supermodel, no one would give a shit"
Kaiser Chiefs "they sound like The Monkees'",
Scissor Sisters "'weirdos on stilts'"
Kylie Minogue "demonic little idiot"

2. RazorLight on The Kooks:
"The Kooks sound like they're rolling over and begging Radio 1 to fuck them"

3. Lilly Allen on Cheryl Cole
"Cheryl, if you're reading this, I may not be as pretty as you, but at least I write and sing my own songs without the aid of Auto-Tune. I must say, taking your clothes off, doing sexy dancing and marrying a rich footballer must be very gratifying, your mother must be so proud, stupid bitch."

4.Courtney Love on Dave Grohl
"Dave Grohl slams me every time he's on your show, implying that Kurt wrote all my songs. I'm not going to slam him, but I've written a song about him: 'When the drummer tries to sing, everybody better hide/When the drummer tries to sing, let's all go inside.'"

5.Johnny rotten on Ozzy Osbourne
"Ozzy is clearly a victim, and selling that loser lifestyle shit to other people equally victimises them," he added. "That's a shame. Ozzy's a working-class man, like me, yet he allows that to happen. By acting like he does all the time, he implies that we're all stupid, the working classes. But we're not, you know. We're not! We're the proper Britain, us lot."


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