life is a total lottery. You grow up in an area, accept its customs as it`s part of your world. you inherit conflicts of the past and hopes for the future of your town, country and continent. From a western point of you, you grow up thinking that everyone enjoys the same rights you do, as you get conscious of the world, you find it is not true at all. Life is a lottery. ...and who you are physically determines just where the boundaries lie in terms of how much freedom you can enjoy in your personal life.
What is just a small joke in one territory, can be seen as highly insulting in another. Displaying certain behaviors in public in one country might be seen as in bad taste or not even noticed at all. ..and the place where you are born on this planet sets rules of engagement.
One stark example is the experience of being born female in Afghanistan. Caught between traditional customs and the new boundaries ones introduced by the Taliban, it is very easy to fall foul of rules that govern the land. To be imprisoned for pre - marital sex or even, planning to have sex is a reality - which you will see in this film.
This film follows the lives of women in a prison named Badam Bagh, where half of the inmates are there for `moral crimes`.
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