Usually life drawing takes place in a college or a community hall, and generally with some kind of tutorial involved, but in Glasgow there`s a little bar called "The Flying Duck" (Cush name!) where on every tuesday a nude model takes centre stage and life drawing nights are held there.Although on the face of it it sounds weird for something like this to happen in a bar .. but with the lovely surroundings and a bit of drink it`s proved to be very popular .. and no, it`s not the leery kind of customers! The Flying duck prides itself on being slightly different to the rest of the nightlife on offer so this isn`t a "the night we let the arty people take over" situation.
It really looks like a really fun place to have as a local. Must say, Glasgow is underrated as a place to go out and have a good time. The people are good natured too - despite the stereotype. I`m not an artist so I won`t be turning up on tuesday, but the rest of their weekly events are right up my street, have a look yourself.
PHOTOGRAPHY: (c) Kurt Schumacher / krs-photo.com
Hey There, The photo that you have on the background of the "Nude life drawing" page is a copyrighted photo taken by me. Though I am flattered that you are using it, I would appreciate it if you would show a credit on it. This is shown at the bottom of the photo, but it is cut off on the website. This photo is copyright Kurt Schumacher - http://krs-photo.com/ . If you show this information on the page, you are welcome to use the photo.
Done! Very sorry for leaving off the credit. I`m enjoying more of your photos as a result!